Congratulations to the Columbus State University Police officers for completing the Mental Health First Aid and QPR trainings! With UPD being trained in these areas, each officer can appropriately handle situations with students involving their mental health, which will create a safer campus environment that promotes mental health.
#ColumbusStateUniversity #MentalHealthAwareness #SuicidePreventionMonth
Chief Bennett would like to take the time to recognize and thank her officers for a job well done. Columbus State University Police Department was the first police department within the University Systems of Georgia to have their entire department (besides 2) to complete the Mental Health First Aid and QPR training. This training will provide our officers with the resources and knowledge to help our students, faculty, staff, and community if they or a loved one is having a mental health crisis. This type of training is critical in todays climate. SGA recognized 18 officers for this achievement.
#columbusstateuniversity #columbusga #csupolice #ColumbusStateUniversity #policeone #CommunityPolicing #communityfirst #healthandwellness #csucounselingcenter #columbusstateuniversity #columbusstateuniversitypolice #columbusstateuniversity #columbusstateuniversityga #qpr #QPR #mentalhealth #mentalhealthsupport #mentalhealthawareness #suicideawarness #suicideawarenessmonth #universitysystemofgeorgia
Original source can be found here.