Fentanyl Campaign Efforts Update 2022-2023 PR 23-004 | Wikimedia Commons
Fentanyl Campaign Efforts Update 2022-2023 PR 23-004 | Wikimedia Commons
From February 15, 2023 post.
Fentanyl Campaign Efforts Update 2022-2023 PR 23-004
“As our agency has been working to combat this epidemic locally, one thing has become apparent –We can’t arrest our way out of the problem. While the investigation, disruption, and arrests of criminals that introduce fentanyl, heroin, and other dangerous opioids into our community is one of the mission areas of our campaign, it is only one step. An informed public, willing partners, and an engaged treatment and prevention community are also crucial to combating the problem. While our efforts are nowhere near complete, our actions prove we are taking this national epidemic seriously. When we launched this campaign, I said we could not do this alone. Those words remain true today. I urge the community to continue to help us raise awareness. Help save a life." stated Sheriff Billy Hancock
ATTENTION: These numbers do not reflect all overdoses for Cordele and Crisp County, as all overdoses are not reported to Crisp County Sheriff's Office. Crisp County Public Safety entities, the Crisp County Coroner's Office, and healthcare establishments in the community do not report overdose information to Crisp County Sheriff's Office.
Original source can be found here.